
Homepage Redesign Concept

BrightEdge helps brands plan, optimize, and measure their campaigns through content performance and analytics. A website redesign would help establish itself as a leader compared to their competitors.

Redesign the homepage with a modern look-and-feel


  • Leave the brand logo alone
  • Keep "Demo" and "Sign In" buttons
  • Highlight the 3 main products
  • Need of desktop and mobile versions
  • Thoughtful use of whitespace to separate elements
  • Use brand colors to call attention
  • Make brand logo more prominent
  • Make buttons more visible

BrightEdge's old version
  • Very small brand logo
  • Dated banners and buttons
  • No clear mention of 3 main products
  • Visual hierarchy can be improved
  • Use of color can be better

Desktop version

With annotations

Mobile version

With annotations

©2023 Carlos-Gil Tuzon