UE Group

"Contact Us" Redesign Concept

UE Group is a San Jose-based agency that specializes in user experience research and design across different industries, helping to turn companies' visions into reality. Prospective clients can contact them through their simple e-mail form, with the promise that a team member will reply back soon to discuss their requests.

Redesign the "Contact Us" page to help UE Group better understand a potential client's needs prior to a phone call

Adobe Illustrator

  • Make the customer inquiry process more efficient
  • Client usually does not know what's involved in a project's process
  • Understand project scope
  • Recommend services
  • Minimize the number of steps needed for customer submission
  • Educate the customer on what's involved in a project
  • Help make the phone call between customer and UE Group more efficient

UE Group's contact pop-up
  • Dialogue promises a response within a few hours, but bandwidth to handle a call can be low during that window
  • Text field for e-mail is only one. Without confirming the e-mail, there is a chance client has entered it wrong and will not receive the reply.
  • Text field for description is open-ended. Possibilities of client being vague or not providing relevant details. This would prolong the promised call to the client.

  1. On the Contact page, the request form gets priority and will open within the browser

Contact Info
  1. Progress bar at top to let user know that it is not a long process
  2. "Close" button in each section warns of losing user input if confirmed by user
  3. Write-in for industry if needed
  4. Button to proceed is grayed out until the 3 required fields are filled

Scope (1/3)
  1. Though a project may involve one or all of the categories, the goal of this "first contact" form is to help the user filter thoughts into identifiable specifications. This "Scope" section asks the user to "best describe" their needs.

    After submission, the UE Group team member can delve deeper with the potential client on the full details of the project.

Scope (2/3)
  1. "Category" is scaled down as the next step appears
  2. Filtering to have the user select which "area" best describes the need; each area has a link that can refer to a UE Group "Our Work" example

Scope (3/3)
  1. The following wireframes will show a "Design -> Industrial" example
  2. "Area" is scaled down as the next step appears
  3. Shown as a timeline to help user visualize the process; timeline changes with relevant choices depending on the "Category" and "Area" selections
  4. Button to proceed is grayed out until a "Stage" selection is made

  1. Based on the previous screen's 3 choices, a context-specific timeline shows recommended services already selected. Timeline helps user realize the extent of the process which can help add services. User has option to remove, but at least one service has to be selected to proceed.
  2. Text field is optional and available to add more information; character limit to help keep it close
  3. Button will be active if at least one service is selected

  1. User reviews all sections before submission. There is an "Edit" button for each section. Client would have to click through the other sections, but all pasts selections are saved. IF "Scope" section is changed in either the "Category" or "Area," a dialog box appears warning that those choices affect "Stage" choice and "Services" section. "Other details" user input is saved.

    Can include CAPTCHA test to guard against bots

  1. User receives a copy of the request in a confirmation e-mail
  2. If request is time-sensitive, user has option of calling. UEGroup will already have a copy of the request for reference for that call.

©2023 Carlos-Gil Tuzon